Between Stimulus And Response, There Is A Space.
Between stimulus and response, there is a space.
In that space is the present moment.
In that moment we can choose our response.
With our response we shape our lives and the world.
Today my mother was telling me something that I did not want to hear. Because I heard her say that before.
But today I chose to hear her from that space between stimulus and response. I paused. I really tuned in to what she was saying. I did not react with frustration or got angry. I didn't respond either. AND this was when I heard what she was not saying but was hiding behind her words: the meaning behind them all.
She was worried about me & my family. That is why she would disagree w my suggestion. I have not told her yet we would be okay if she would accept my suggestion. She thought I would sacrifice everything for others - like she would for me. And when you give it all, you are left w nothing. She was afraid I would be left w nothing.
When others' behaviors don't make sense, stay in that space between stimulus and response. I call it between getting mad & walking away (mentally). Stay and pause. Listen to what you are not hearing.
AND you will have your choice to shape your life by choosing your response.