Watch out what you wish for. Because once life gifts you your wishes, you will have no more excuses not to live the life you've always wanted.

Andrea Clough, The Engineer Whisperer

No, I didn’t choose “The Engineer Whisperer” name. One of my friends gave it to me. First, it felt like a new dress or suit - elegant, stiff and attractive. I was reluctant to use it.

Then, I started “wearing” it and it turned out to be the right fit, comfortable and full of potential.

The best gifts are given by those who truly know us for who we are, what we really want, and what we are truly capable of.

What Used To Hold Me Back The Most

Having a different background, speaking four languages, and having traveled and lived around the world was always something that I held back when I met people. I was afraid that I would be seen and treated differently, judged, and misunderstood. I didn’t want to sound like I was smarter, better, or special. I wanted to fit in and earn everything – especially people’s trust, respect, and acceptance. Until one day, I had found one boss who turned my fears into my strengths by believing in who I was – before I believed in myself.

Today, I am on the mission to be that person to great Engineers. It is enough to have one person on your side who believes in you 100% - 100% of the time. And I can prove it.

My Three Gifts

My three biggest gifts are: curiosity, courage, and honesty.

My Superpower

I stop time.

My Big Dream Was:

To be the first in my family to graduate with a college degree. Check!

My Mission Today

My mission today is to transition great engineers into impactful human beings.

I believe engineers through their collective work, create the largest impact in our world.

I believe engineers help all of us feel alive, be alive, and live life to the fullest.