You don’t know yet what you don’t know.

Interactive Leadership Workshops On

Skills, Knowledge, Beliefs & Values*

*Interactive Xplorations based on topics that support Andrea’s Four-Legged Leadership Model

Starting at $750


1.    Confidence Building:

Build your confidence with this 5-minute exercise.

2.    Career Accelerators:

7 Keys to accelerate your career & have your best year ever.

3.    Get Visible:

How to get more visible the right way at work.

4.    Trust Building:

Build your own trust so you can become more trusted.

5.    Powerful Questions:

Not all questions are created equal. Know which ones matter most.

6.    Active Listening:

How to listen so my team (and my kids) will talk.

7.    Non-verbal Communication:

How to leverage non-verbal clues in a virtual work environment.

8.    1:1 Influence Conversations:

How to get what you want in high stake conversations.

9.    Executive Presence:

Learn how to fill the room with your presence not with your words.

10.     Build Your Powerbase:

A.  Up your game from networking. Build your powerbase at work. 

B.  How to build strong professional relationships to advance your career.

11.      Strategic Time & Priority Management:

A.  Overcoming overwhelm by time & priority management.

B.  You don’t have to feel like you are struggling. Learn the power of prioritization. 

C.  What to do when your boss keeps changing your priorities.

12.      Presentation:

Your presentation depends on your content, your structure & your intention. How to step up your presentation skills. 

13.    Feedback:

A.  Stand out in your communication: Feedback & Feed Forward.

B.  Ask for good feedback first. State your intention. Have a challenge network. 

14.      Storytelling:

How to pitch your business case like you are at a weekend gathering with your friends – where everyone is listening.

15.      Negotiation:

A.  What to do when you are given pointless tasks.

B.  Do not settle & get what you want at work and at home

16.      Servant Leadership:

What if I told you that it is possible to build so much trust into your relationships that leading becomes easy?

Self Knowledge

1.    Social Influence:

How to leverage the SCARF Model - A brain-based model for collaborating with & influencing others.

2.    Weaknesses/Strengths/Talents:

A.  What if your weakness is your strength & your strength is your weakness? 

B.  Discovering your talent will change how you spend your day.

C.  What gives you energy can also give you the life that you want.

3.    Ego:

A.  Take your ego with you everywhere you go. Do not leave it outside the door. 

B.  A different perspective on why befriending your ego is your key to a healthy self-esteem.

4.    High Performing Teams

A powerful technique that will unleash your team’s performance as an individual and as a team.

5.    100% Responsibility:

A simple process to learn how to take 100% responsibility and why it matters

6.    Sensory Self-Awareness:

Apply easy strategies to reduce sensory overload & improve your health, well-being and productivity

7.    Attention & Focus:

Your Environment: Change your environment & get your attention and calm back.

8.    Emotional Intelligence:

What is the difference between emotions & feelings and how do I label my emotions, so I take control over my reactions at work?

9.    Fixed vs. Growth Mindset:

Why you fail and cannot learn from it yet.

Belief System

1.    Limited Beliefs:

How to reframe your limiting beliefs & generate a powerful inner state.

2.    World of Assumptions:

How to step out of a world of assumptions & stop interpreting others’ thoughts. 

3.    Staying Put:

What holds you back from moving forward.

4.    Inner Critic:

How we self-sabotage our successes to prevent us from being successful.

5.    Your Voices:

How to make sense of all the voices in my head. When two voices are talking, nobody is listening.

6.    Self-Talk:

How you talk to yourself says a lot about how your future will look like.

7.    Victim vs. Creator:

From victim to creator: How to take your power & control back.


1.    Value Identification:

Discover your 5 nonnegotiable values that define you and everything you do.

2.    Setting Boundaries:

Know what you stand for to avoid being pushed around.

3.    Design Your Life:

Design your ideal day & week. It might just give your ideal life. 

4.    Purpose:

Discover your meaning in life.

5.    Vision:

If you cannot see it, you cannot achieve it. It is that simple.

6.    Self-Empowerment:

How to take control of your life and make positive decisions.

7.    Your Superpower:

Discover your superpower and learn how to use it.