Give The Gift Of Coaching

Limited number of sessions. Offers valid only between Nov 1 - Dec 31, 2024.

We all need someone to believe in us when we forget how to believe in ourselves.

Thus, I created the Give The Gift Of Coaching.

Today you have the power to Give The Gift Of Coaching to someone you love and care for.

Give Now

Why I offer this Give The Gift Of Coaching every Holiday Season:

The Power OF A Gift

When I was 19 years old, living in Romania, a friend I met at the local English Club gave me a gift that changed the course of my life. She gifted me a ticket to a conference in South Korea, all inclusive for two weeks - airfare, hotel stay, food, everything.

When I said ‘yes’ I didn’t know this gift would give me so much more than I could have imagined. I’d never flown on an airplane before, I’d never been to Asia before, I’d never seen or tasted Korean food before, I’d never been to a conference before, and the list goes on.

Yet, what I also received was the gift of discovering how skillful, resilient and resourceful I was, as a young adult, at navigating new situations.

But most of all, I have discovered who I was, what my values were, and what I was standing for in life.

When you are away from home and from the people you love, you are forced to face difficulties and find your identity to stand on. This identity in return allows you to move beyond the perceived differences and connect with others at a deeper level – at heart level. Thus, on that trip I discovered and experienced things I had never known about myself, about the people in this world, and about the world itself - and how to connect with all of them.

That gift has shaped who I was, who I wanted to become, and what decisions I would make next in my life.

It might sound cliché, yet it opened my eyes (and my heart) to see which way I wanted to go in my life. It offered me the clarity to know and recognize my direction in life, my passion, and my motivation to succeed.

It also gave me the validation, through the actual experience, that I was truly capable of succeeding on my own, using my own strengths and skills.

It was the beginning of believing in myself.

Today you have the power to

Give The

Gift Of Coaching to someone you love and care for.

This gift might change the course of their lives. Or offer them a life-changing experience.

I cannot tell you what it would mean to them.

But I can tell you, it would offer them the possibility to choose who they want to become.

And having this one possibility could be what they are looking for right now.

Give The Gift Of Coaching

Limited number of sessions. Offers valid only between Nov 1 - Dec 31, 2024.

All sessions start in January 2025.

Gifts have no expiration date.

12 Months

Coaching Package

Cost $1499 US

8 Months

Coaching Package

Cost $1099 US

4 Months

Coaching Package

Cost $599 US

Gift To A Stranger

Donate towards a coaching package

Donations start at $150