Stay Curious Today

Here's a story about how being curious & taking action resulted in a super awesome moment: a moment that made my son's day today.

Last night my son expressed his desire for a bigger desk (trigger for my curiosity).

So, I asked him to research what he wanted (ask for clarity).

He sent me a link to a desk (specific want).

Then I checked if we can buy it (rating the possibilities).

Once I decided it would fit I made the decision to buy it (having a decision-making process).

Unfortunately, the desk was out of stock in the store & no date when it would be available again (roadblock).

So, I looked at other desks but they were too big for our space (resource limitations).

So, I expanded my search for used desks (creating new possibilities) & I found a similar one.

Yet, the picture & the dimensions of the desk seemed off (confusion).

So, I stayed curious & asked the seller to double check the size of the desk for me (communicating the confusion).

She did & found out she posted the wrong dimensions. I said I would buy her desk (stating next steps).

She said someone was to pick it up already (BAD TIMING).

I thought I lost the desk. 5 min later everything changed. It turned out the previous buyer wanted the larger size desk & declined it.

The desk is ours.

Stay curious today.


What do you need a little more of right now?


A mirror..